What in the world! Daggonnit! Don't fear This video was banned from television because it was deemed inappropriate. Now, for a female tennis player it is inevitable that a Google image search of your name will pull up countless photos that have been zoomed into your lady regions- but honey, that doesn't mean you go selling that to such a large degree. Granted, "sex sells" (I hate that expression), but Serena little lady, you are a world class athlete- you have our attention already. Of course, even though the commercial was banned, there are a few versions of it readily available on YouTube. Williams made the video and put it out there- I am just bewildered that she would think that was proper for a woman of her stature. Then again, we are talking about the woman who wore this...
not once but twice to the FRENCH OPEN. Call me old fashion-ed, but kids these days just don't know what's right and what's wrong. There is no way that you can discredit Miss Williams, she is a phenomenal athlete and business woman- but what you can do is laugh and wonder what is going on in that strong- very strong- mind of hers.
Good Health for All,
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